We always put our best foot forward to enhance the application through new features or expansion of the existing ones. With its growing share in portfolios of those who want to diversify further or getting higher yields, crowdfunding support was becoming a must have. What does it do? Today, you will be able to add […]
Category: Hot from the oven
Ez-Balance 2.0
It took quite a while but this is now live: a new, refreshed and faster version of ez-Balance! There has been a fair amount of re-coding with an updated technology stack and thoughts put into it in order to deliver new features with more insights into your assets, more dynamic content and a fully responsive […]
Bonne nouvelle pour tous nos traders amateurs (ou pas). Nous venons d’ajouter 605 ETF à la base des actions et autres produits financiers que vous pouvez sélectionner dans la partie gestion du patrimoine. Au total, près de 1700 produits aujourd’hui pour une évaluation de votre patrimoine la plus complète possible!
OCBC CSV are now readable by the CSV uploader! It is now on the list together with Societe Generale, Bank of Tokyo MUFG, Citi and DBS.
New feature: Transaction split
This has surely been some time since we last came on this blog. Plenty of reasons have to be invoked but down the road that’s not what matters today. Indeed, we are very happy to let the World (at least) knows that we have rolled-out the transaction split. What it allows the user to do […]
New feature: Bank connector
We have briefly talked about it on our Facebook page but after some testing, we are delighted to inform our users, readers, likers and followers that the Bank connector for Societe Generale is now live. This is the first one of a serie that should grow with the time but it marks an important milestone: […]
Nous sommes actuellement en train de porter les touches finales a notre connecteur Societe Generale. Grace a ce dernier, très bientôt, vous allez donc pouvoir charger toutes vos dépenses automatiquement dans ez-Balance et les classer automatiquement. Et tout çà, en un clin d’œil!
New feature : The Digest
You want to stay on top of your expenses and always know where you stand but can not do it because you don’t have time to log on all the bank websites, trading portals… everyday? We now have The so-called Digest for you: A simple email, sent on the days of your choice, providing you […]
You might be one of the users of navglobal.com. Maybe not directly but through your independent financial advisor. As a result, you can see whenever you log on (and among a lot of other things), your different funds units and their valuation. Quite nice and up to date. Now, you most certainly have a monthly […]
New feature: in/activation
We just rolled out a new feature applying to bank accounts, credit cards, categories and counterparties. You can now inactivate any of those from the configuration screen. As a result, all the data (like expense, budget…) asssociated to them will be kept in the database but the inactivated items will not be available in reports […]