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New feature: Crowdfunding

We always put our best foot forward to enhance the application through new features or expansion of the existing ones. With its growing share in portfolios of those who want to diversify further or getting higher yields, crowdfunding support was becoming a must have.

What does it do?

Today, you will be able to add either shares you bought or money you lent on the various crowdfunding platform. Valuations can be entered by the user, as done previously for other asset types. Of course, this will now be reflected as part of the assets and the valuation will be shown under the account setup for the crowdfunding platform.

How does it do it?

Simply as always! Just enter your participation in your portfolio management page as you have done so far with your other assets. You can then update their valuation (when needs to) on the same page.

What is next?

ezB is always on the look for additional features that does make sense to our users, so reach out to us and let us know what you would like to see next!

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