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New feature: interface

You might be one of the users of Maybe not directly but through your independent financial advisor. As a result, you can see whenever you log on (and among a lot of other things), your different funds units and their valuation. Quite nice and up to date.

Now, you most certainly have a monthly investment plan (MIP) where you have a regular contribution allocated to a certain number of funds. So, how do you keep track of your average price? How do you identify the different costs (management fees, FX rates…) to know how you are exactely performing with these funds and if there is not a better alternative out there?

Nothing simpler with ez-Balance. You can now map one of your portfolio to one (or more) scheme managed in and have any changes in units numbers or valuation reflected in your reports. As a result, you are now able to see how much of your total contribution is actually affected to your plan and you can see how your funds average prices compete with the market. That way, you are now more empowered to make more educated decisions on what funds to switch, identify the level of fees you are being charged and, down the road, determine whether these investments are doing what you want them to. A good start to help optimising your savings.

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