Did you know?

The cost of missing it

You know it comes every month. You know it always comes around the 15th of every month. You also roughly know the amount since it doesn’t change much from a month to an other. But still , you missed it. What is it? Just the mobile bill, the cable TV subscription, the limit to accumulate further interests… A lot of things and I am sure you can see what we are talking about here.

So, again, you missed the date and forgot to have enough funds on the account, to make that transfer. A common mistake. But a mistake that has a price. A few dollars/euros/pounds… a year (unless you really forget every time!) but still, for real reason.

How to avoid this? Reminders! With ez-Balance, define these recurring expenses for a certain period and make sure you are made aware when the date approaches and how much funds you will have on the account by that day. How? By receiving an email telling you so. Go forward, now, and imagine the same for any expense, recurring or not. Nice, isn’t it? So, just register, keep your money for something well, more useful, and stop blaming yourself! (at least for forgetting these, for the rest, I am not sure we can help).

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